Name: Amy Bradley
Time as a member: Since 2011 and 27 marathons ago…
Reason for the Award: Dedicated committee member. Deserving of this award due to services to the club in terms of setting up new members evenings. As well as keeping abreast of the latest Covid-19 guidance with regards to the running club ensuring that we can all enjoy a good social run on a Tuesday evening.

Amy Bradley
Getting to know you in 5 questions:
Your Most memorable running experience?
In 2013, I decided I was going to try for a sub 4 hour marathon at London. I trained like never before, following my plan religiously and soaking up loads of advice from some very experienced members of RRC. I remember running down The Mall watching the clock tick in slow motion. I had given it everything but it was relentless. From somewhere deep down I mustered that final push to cross the line in 3.59.37, taking 18 minutes of my previous PB.
2. If you could compete in one race or event tomorrow?
This one’s easy. The Boston Marathon. I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with Boston and have yet to make it to Hopkinton. You have to run a race in a quick enough time to qualify and I have a list of reasons for missing out, including a broken leg, a cold and I’m adding Coronavirus as 2020’s excuse! The closest I have been is 22 seconds away which is less than one second per mile. I’ll get there one day…
3. Your Favourite local running route?
I love running around Waingroves Woodland. There’s always something different to see, depending on the time of year. I love the bluebells in spring and dodging falling acorns in Autumn.
4. Best bit of advice to other runners?
Take something away from each run. Running isn’t always about fast times, segments and PBs. Run for a chat with a friend. Run a new trail. Run to see the sunset from a new vantage point.
5. What got you into running?
Honestly? I’d not long been married and was getting a little comfy with life. Clothes were getting a bit tighter and I was getting out of breath a little more easily. I’d lost a lot of weight previously and it was starting to pile back on. I hated the idea of being a yo-yo dieter so now I run all the miles and eat all the food
Happy running!
